Sunday, February 19, 2012

The 40-day Transformation...(OK, 43, but who's counting?)

A couple of weeks ago our friend Tom had a posting on his Facebook page about a "get skinny contest."  I had already resolved to lose the weight gained over the last two years thanks to stress and an overwhelmingly busy schedule, so I commented on his post that "I'm in!  I want to get skinny!"

A few short days later, Tom handed my husband a bottle of ASAP drops.  What exactly is ASAP?  Well, ASAP stands for As Slim As Possible, and it is a formula that contains protein fractions and amino acids that allow your body to release the abnormal fat stores to be used as fuel.  And while on it, you drop pounds like CRAZY!

Seriously, we're on day 11 and my husband and I are losing between a half-pound and 2 pounds a day!  The "secret" is maintaining a diet of 500 calories a day...seriously only 500.  But the ASAP does something to your brain so that you don't even feel hungry...OK, maybe just a bit here and there, but considering how little we're eating, it's pretty amazing to feel this good every day.

The diet might seem quite restrictive, but I think if the plan weren't so rigid, some would surely take any leeway given and kill the effectiveness of the plan.  But over the past week and a half I've studied the "allowed" foods and also various recipes I've found on the internet and come to my own conclusions about what can be added without a negative impact.  You can find my "additions" on the different food group pages above.

So that's my story - I plan to update this over the next month until we reach the 43 day end point, and maybe even beyond.  So far, we're both extremely happy with the results - I've lost 11.5 pounds and my husband has lost 17.5, in just 11 days!  We both can see a difference in how our clothes fit and feel energized and excited to carry on - unlike previous diets that have left us tired and craving food all day.  Lastly, we're so convinced of success we've had that we've been telling our friends who want to give it a try too - if YOU feel like this is the plan for you, shoot me an email to and I can get you a bottle of ASAP to start trying it for yourself.  At just $89.99 a bottle, why wait another day?