The ASAP Diet Basics

The ASAP diet is pretty easy - 3x's a day you place .75ml of ASAP under your tongue and let it soak in for 2 minutes before swallowing.  It doesn't have much of a taste but tingles a bit - you'll want to get your mouth as dry as possible before you do this by either swallowing hard or spitting out excess saliva.  After the drops, wait 20 minutes before eating or drinking anything.   That's it!  It's REALLY that simple!

This is a 40-day diet.  Well, 40 days of using ASAP, and 41 days of eating 500 calories a day, but in total it's 43 days and here's how:  Days 1 and 2 go crazy!  You read it right, go all the things you KNOW you're going to want during the next 40 days - Fast food, junk food, dessert all day, you choose!  BUT, start the ASAP drops prior to your first meal on Day 1.  You may find, as my husband did, that even though you want to indulge, that with the ASAP, you'll feel full before you even WANT to!  I think this was the first time my husband couldn't finish an average-size meal!  Starting with day 3, you'll be on the 500-calorie diet.  At breakfast this means first taking your drops, waiting 20 minutes and then enjoying a cup of tea (black or herbal) or coffee - feel free to add lemon/lime juice or Stevia but that's IT!  No sugar, no other kinds of sweeteners, no cream, etc.  I'm not sure why they won't allow Sucralose or Aspartame except for Stevia is a purely natural sweetener and the other two use chemicals to produce them, which many people react to.  But speaking nutrition, they are all zero-calorie and this diet is more about the number of calories going in so apart from just being healthier for your body (which is the whole point of losing weight, right?) I don't see why the other two can't be used if you don't have problems with them.  BUT, I've made it 11 days with only using Stevia and it hasn't hurt my meal planning.

Lunch and Dinner are the same; take your drops, then 20 minutes later you have can have something to drink, AND you get to add a protein (3oz or 100g of chicken breast, lean beef, veal, shrimp, white fish, lobster or a couple other choices, excluding Turkey), a handful of vegetables (from a short list of acceptable veges), a fruit (again, a short list: apple, orange, 1/2 grapefruit or handful of strawberries) and a Grissini breadstick or piece of Melba Toast.

OH, and drinks LOTS of water during the day - tea and coffee are allowed too in any quantity, but keep yourself hydrated!

To get the specifics on the foods, visit the appropriate page link above.  It really can't be any simpler that that!  This diet doesn't require a rigorous fitness program (in fact you really CAN'T work out...a daily walk yes, but a run?  No.)  And it doesn't require counting your calories - stick to the allowed foods in the allowed quantities and you'll be eating the right amount.  All it takes is persistence, will power and being able to contain the excitement you'll feel as you see the pounds drop off!  Don't cheat, don't give up early, and this WILL WORK for you!

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