
Each lunch and dinner, you're teased with a bit of grain - a piece of Melba Toast or a Grissini Breadstick.  Some people ask, "why even bother?" but I do enjoy the crunch of the Melba with the meal.  I've even branched out and bought the Roasted Garlic flavored Melba rounds - 1 1/2 can be eaten per meal.  Again, just a hint of flavor can really transform the melba in to something that I actually crave a bit.  Another option is a Crisp'n light Wasa.  I've had the 7-grain variety, and at 20-calories a slice, it's the same as Melba.  Again, it's nice to have more variety so the meals aren't the same day and day out.

****UPDATE**** We've successfully added both Parmesan flavored Grissini breadsticks and 2 non-fat Saltine crackers and neither had a negative impact on weight loss.  Two more choices for you!

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