
The diet is very limited for fruits - which is fine with me because I'm very much a vegetable person, fruits, not so much.  In the last 11 days, I've probably eaten more fruits than in the last 3 months.  But, I have started to enjoy an apple or orange after lunch and dinner as a bit of a dessert.  But my favorite has to be grapefruit - grapefruit segments can add an elegance to a dish - it takes time but it's worth it.  First peel the rind, then carefully remove the casing from each segment and remove the flesh.  Love, love, love my grapefruit!

Feel free to also use slices of lemons and limes to flavor water or tea, and lemon, lime and even a bit of orange juice for cooking.  I made a great Shrimp Ceviche with lime juice, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and cilantro!

This was our Sunday dinner last week - Broiled Lobster tail, asparagus, salad greens with red wine vinegar, grapefruit sections and melba rounds.  This is a great meal for ANY diet, and the fact that you can eat like this and shed pounds at a ridiculous rate is a huge bonus!

Lately we've been enjoying sliced strawberries with Truvia (a granulated Stevia) sprinkled on top.  Yum, Yum and another Yum - they're so sweet and yummy I feel like I'm cheating when I eat them!

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